XBOX Live Night - Saturdays at 7pm (central)
It’s psuedo official… Saturday nights at 7pm (central time) is XBOX Live Night. Last night was a lot of fun with the bloggers that showed up. We had James Avery, Erik Porter, Philip Rieck, Drew Robbins and myself playing Project Gotham Racing 2. Dave Bettin was available to play, but he didn’t have PGR2 :-(. Jason Bock was too busy real racing to join us :-) Special thanks goes out to James for putting this together. It was a lot of fun. To join in on these games, you must be one one of the existing players friends list in order to join. If you don’t have any other bloggers on your friends list, just add me (Gamertag: DualBrain) and I’ll try to get you approved as quickly as possible. Also, if you don’t have a gamertag logo for your blog, lemme know and I’ll get one made for you.