
XBOX Live Gamertags

In order to facilitate those of us who play on XBOX Live to connect to one another, I’ve started creating gamer tags for people.  There are two to choose from:

DualBrain img


The one of the left looks cooler (IMO), but just didn’t fit with the layout of .TEXT very well (or at least how I have things structured), so entered the need for the second version.

I’ve also put together a page that shows what games I currently own, my geographic location including timezone, what times I usually try to play and a list of other people who are participating in adding the gamer tag to their blog (or site).

If you are interested in participating, just send me a not via the contact form on the left.  I would suggest either linking the button to a page on your site similar to mine or you can link to my page that displays the other bloggers who play on XBOX Live.

To see who else is participating, click on my gamer tag ;-)

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.