
My name is Cory Smith, I make mistakes and am extremely proud of it!

I have to 100% agree with Erik Porter… he does make a lot of mistakes :-D

OK, seriously, I do agree with him. I would hope that someone reading my blog would be able to see a reflection of the type of person that I am… one that is constantly trying to improve; but at the same time is very passionate and, as such, makes a few mistakes. The interactions with others in this community have been a huge learning experience and continues to be such.

Making mistakes is a part of the learning process. If you ain’t failin’, you ain’t tryin’! (Hmm… can anyone tell I’m from Texas.) The point is, that in order to truly learn, you need to do… and failing is part of that process. It’s how you handle that failure that is important. Do you shrug it off, learn from your mistakes and try again (or move on)? Do you dwell on it or, even worse, just plain give up?

Everything that I’ve learned up to this point has been through extremely hard work and dedication. A lot of trial and error; however, a lot of it also comes from other individuals sharing their experiences. I absorb as much of this as I can and this is why I enjoy blogging. It’s 1 part “fame”, 1 part “helping my fellow man”, 1 part “problem/puzzle solving” and 2 parts “interacting with other like minded individuals”.

So, before I break down and get all mushy… I’ll just reiterate and say “My name is Cory Smith, I make mistakes and am extremely proud of it!”

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