
Don Box considers VB.NET? :-)

An interested soundbyte by Don Box about VB.NET and the VB.NET team.

I’m also writing a lot of code again, primarily in C# but I’ve been tempted to use VB for something. The VB.NET team is actually writing parts of their product using their own language. For some of the ideas I’ve got in my head, I’m thinking that VB.NET would be a somewhat more natural way to express things. Plus, the shock of having to work in unfamiliar surroundings has always been good for me, creatively.

It’s interesting to see Don considering using VB.NET and stating that it’s “a somewhat more natural way to express things”. Another interesting point is that the VB.NET team is actually writing parts of VB.NET using VB.NET.

UPDATE: While speaking with Duncan Mackenzie; this topic came up and he stated that the Microsoft.VisualBasic.* namespace was written using VB.NET :-) Talk about eating your own dog food.

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